Tuesday, June 30, 2015

壹傳媒的互聯網之路(二) : 投資價值重現


  • 主要收益來自香港和台灣兩地,分別佔約59%和41%,和之前的中期報告比較(60%和40%),變化不大。
  • 最大收益來自報章廣告收入,約佔總收益的33%(中期報告佔40%)。這部份由13/14年度下跌約14%,中期業績的23%,直到這期的25%,似乎已經跌定了!
  • 第二大收入來源為互聯網廣告收入、互聯網訂閱、內容供應及開發手機遊戲及應用程式,約佔總收益的22%(中期報告佔11%)。這部份由13/14年度升了大約132%,到中期業績的160%,直到這期的78%。由佔總收益的4%,一舉升到11%,直到這期的22%,成為集團第二大收入來源。不過,收益增速大幅放緩,是基數大了不少?還是這部份的業務發展出現樽頸?需要多些數據參考。
  • 第三大收入來源來自書籍及雜誌廣告收入,約佔總收益的17%(和中期報告相約)。這部份由13/14年度下跌約9%,到中期業績的16.7%,直到這期的18%,似乎已經也跌定了!
  • 第四大收入來源來自報章銷售,約佔總收益的17%(中期報告佔19%)。這部份由13/14年度下跌約8%,到中期業績的13%,直到這期的18%,讀者人數流失仍然非常嚴重。
  • 佔生產成本最重的原材料,錄得近26%的跌幅,比起報章銷售的跌幅(18%)更加大,反映印刷量的下跌之餘,港元強勢可能是另一原因。
  • 另外一項佔生產成本比較重的是員工成本,和之前比較幾乎沒甚麼變動,但隨著集團和數碼化的方向進化,精簡人手似乎是大趨勢。如今這部份的成本佔總收益近27%,和其他成功的網媒比較,相對較高。

執身筆之時,看到明報傳出葉一堅在鋤報會上提到集團將會改名為NEXT DIGITAL,走數碼路線,方向正確。一旦落實,應有潛在分折的機會,相當期待集團發展的進展。想了解壹傳媒如何走互聯網之路,可以參考我之前的文章 壹傳媒的互聯網之路 而想要了解其他媒傳如何成功轉型,可以參考 印刷媒體的互聯網之路﹝上﹞:華盛頓郵報和紐約時報 以及 印刷媒體的互聯網之路(下):赫芬頓郵報和壹傳媒。


  1. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Why do you think it's wise for Next media to transferr to online media?

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    It's the trend that ppl no long buy newspaper/magazine as there are many sources of information available online and they are free. As I stated in my article that the popularity and free traffic that Next Media gained is very an valuable asset and it's wise for Next Media to monetize these asset (that's what other Internet-based companies do). Frankly, I don't think it's wise for them to completely transfer to "pure" online media given they have printing business and their print media business is still profitable at the moment. In fact, it would be unwise to give them up away now. However, I think it's right move for them to shift their focus to digital and even considering change their name to NEXT DIGITAL when the time comes (of course, this is still rumor and already denied by Mr. Yip). By the way, could you leave your name next time for better communication?

  3. 請問幾錢買入?

  4. Anonymous9:41 PM


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